Tag: Quarterly Review
What Really Happened at the Huxley-Wilberforce Debate?
The stereotype portraying Wilberforce as the pompous bishop rejecting Darwin on theological grounds is easily dispelled.
The Outsider: Alfred Russel Wallace’s Reputation in the Darwinian Era
Was Alfred Wallace a “crazy” crank? Was he an undisciplined “dilettante” bemused by every fringe belief he encountered?
Darwin’s Reticence: How on Earth Did the Origin of Species Ever Get Published?
Even Darwin would be aghast at what the world has made of a mere abstract that he was almost pathologically ambivalent about ever publishing.
Listen: The Life of Alfred Russel Wallace
How did Charles Darwin react to Wallace’s argument for design? Historian Michael Flannery joins Tom Woodward to explain.
What We Can Learn from Darwin
We hear a lot of talk these days about “following the science.” But science rarely speaks with one unified voice.