Tag: randomness
For Christmas, Reading St. Athanasius on the Beauty of the Universe
Besides the prose itself being so pleasing to read, these thoughts reaffirm some of my main reasons for believing this universe is the product of a Mind.
Do Fungi Have Free-Will?
Whenever a new hypothesis like this is published and calmly debated in scientific journals without arousing any furor, your first instinct may be to scoff.
Leveraging the Design Inference for Effectively Falsifying Data
The academy raises generation after generation of inept data falsifiers who embrace the foolish naiveté that their shenanigans are immune to discovery.
Shannon and Kolmogorov Information
There’s a deep connection between probability and complexity. This connection is made clear in Shannon’s theory of information.
Richard Dawkins and the Law of Unintended Consequences
The New Atheists’ failure to understand the nuanced way that “ordinary people” think was a profound strategic error.