Tag: Richard Buggs
How Faith Can Improve Rigor and Creativity in Scientific Research
Richard Buggs is a professor and Senior Research Leader at Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, one of the UK’s largest plant science research institutes.
Intelligent Design Passes the Dawkins Test
After it passed his challenge, will atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins now embrace the theory of intelligent design?
Educating “Professor Dave” on the Fossil Record and Genetics
Farina says that if you want to make “creationists’ head explode” you just have to mention that reptile scales and bird feathers are made of the same keratin.
Fossil Friday: Florigerminis, Another Failed Candidate for a Jurassic Flowering Plant
You are in good company if you are as skeptical about these claims as I am myself.
Fossil Friday: Flowering Plants — Darwin’s Abominable Mystery
Flowering plants or angiosperms appear abruptly in the fossil record of the Lower Cretaceous (about 130 million years ago).