Tag: Richard Buggs
No. 2 Story of 2023: Intelligent Design Passes the Dawkins Test
After it passed his challenge, will atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins now embrace the theory of intelligent design?
Fossil Friday: New Study Confirms Discontinuities in the History of Plants
I have elaborated on the sudden appearance of flowering plants in the Lower Cretaceous, which was called an “abominable mystery” by Charles Darwin.
New Article in Science Boosts Plausibility of a Primordial Pair
These new developments underscore the fact that there is no room for dogmatism about claims concerning the smallest population size of humans.
On the BBC, a New Openness to Teleology in Biology?
Dr. Richard Buggs is a plant biologist and professor of evolutionary genomics at Queen Mary, University of London.
Does the Scientific Evidence Support Evolutionary Models of Human Origins?
The fossil record shows a break between the australopithecines, supposedly directly ancestral to our genus, and the first humanlike members of the genus.