Tag: Richard Weikart
A Physician’s Sacred Duty — To Care or to Kill?
As a hospice and palliative care physician for over twenty years, Dr. Howard Glicksman regularly cares for terminally ill patients.
Weikart: The Dark History of Medicalized Killing
“Richard Weikart’s superb new book is a vitally important reply to the organized disposal of unwanted people.”
Richard Weikart: Medicine’s Descent From Healing to Killing
Dr. Weikart’s book is a wide-ranging history of euthanasia and assisted suicide from ancient Greece to today.
How Did We Get Here? New Book by Richard Weikart Tracks Rise of the Culture of Death
The Judeo-Christian tradition encouraged a culture of life, but the secular Enlightenment and Darwinian materialism have tugged us in a different direction.
Darwin’s Racism of the Gaps
A defender of Darwinism might object that it’s silly to ding Darwin for his racism, since just about every white person in Victorian England was racist.