Tag: scientific method
Luskin: Why Intelligent Design Is the Truly Scientific Method
That codicil, a matter of personal or philosophical preference, binds and blinds the scientist in a way that is NOT scientific.
Stephen Meyer: Evidence of Mind in the Natural World
Can we scientifically detect the activity of a mind behind the universe? Philosopher of science Dr. Stephen Meyer answers this question and more.
A Few Thoughts on the Cronin-Tour Debate
Under the theory of an unguided process of chemical and biological evolution, should a threshold of complexity, clearly identifying life, be expected?
Understanding the Limits of Scientism
The great impasse in empirical science was reached early in the 20th century when quantum mechanics was first being developed.
Andrew Klavan, Casey Luskin: Displaced Authority and Progressive Censorship
Klavan smells a rat when famous scientists like Richard Dawkins use displaced authority to make proclamations about science’s relationship with religion.