Tag: Seattle
Denying Darwin: Berlinski and Meyer in Cambridge
These kinds of conversations between Steve Meyer and David Berlinski are usually confined to late night chats when the time zones in Seattle and Paris permit.
Remembering Jonathan Wells, a Key Figure in the Intelligent Design Movement
When I spoke to Jonathan about the cost he paid in standing for his principles, he remarked that his decision to do prison time contained a blessing.
In Aurora Borealis, Scientific and Aesthetic Design Arguments Meet
You appreciate the aurora borealis or aurora australis because you were not created by strictly material evolutionary processes.
C. S. Lewis on the Unique Gullibility of the Elites, and More: John West in Conversation with Eric Metaxas
A theme in the interview is the dubious role of elites, who stand out for their readiness to surrender their critical faculties when Science Says to do so.
Anti-Hate Group, Canary Mission, Exposes “Science Educator” Professor Dave
The idea that Jews, alone among indigenous peoples, have no right to defend themselves on their land, is at once anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.