Tag: Stephen Jay Gould
Darwinists Devolve
One sign of a robust scientific theory is the quality of its most prominent proponents. But serious advocates of Darwinism have become an endangered species.
Systems Biology Cracks Life’s Engineered Intricacies — A Report from CELS
The cherished evolutionary story of whales’ “vestigial” pelvic bones joins the growing pile of discredited icons of evolution.
Good as Gould? Ask a Chimp
No distinction in kind rather than degree between ourselves and the chimps? No distinction? Seriously, folks?
What Do We Know about the Origin of Rhinos?
Although they are not the handsomest or most graceful creatures in the animal kingdom, the Rhinocerotoidea (superfamily) are a fascinating group for research.
New! Philosopher and Mathematician David Berlinski on “Science After Babel”
“Many will read this book for the close, elegant reasoning, the astonishing erudition, or the mordant analysis. I confess I read it for the prose.”