Tag: The Language of God
Chromosomal Fusion and Correcting Mistakes: A Retrospective on an Old Debate
The main evidence that Dr. Scott cites to argue that chromosomal fusions aren’t necessarily deleterious comes not from humans but from horses.
Merry Christmas! #8 Story of 2021: An ID Prediction for CRISPR Gene Editing
From an design perspective, there is no compelling reason to think that CRISPR gene editing will constitute an enhancement tool for building superior humans.
Lessons from the Evangelical Debate About Adam and Eve
The standard evolutionary account of human origins holds that our population has always been in the thousands and humanity did not descend from an initial pair.
Missed Opportunity: Passing over Scientific Problems with Human Evolution
William Lane Craig’s rhetorical strategy is essentially to accept whatever mainstream evolutionary paleoanthropology says.
The Tragedy of Francis Collins’s Model for Science-Faith Integration
The depiction of Francis Collins as someone who has developed a good model for integrating faith and science is in many respects a tragic myth.