Tag: Theodosius Dobzhansky
Fossil Friday: New Research on How Delicate Soft-Bodied Organisms Can Be Perfectly Preserved
All the just-so-stories of macroevolution are completely dispensable in real (experimental) biology.
Remembering a Colleague, Mentor, and Friend: Jonathan Wells
To get ready for a research stint he shaved his beard and used hydrogen peroxide to dye his hair bleach blond to avoid being recognized.
A First Meeting with Jonathan Wells
When physicians express doubts about Darwin, we are quickly reminded of that famous remark of Theodosius Dobzhansky.
The Engineered Adaptability of the Humble Guppy
When a scientist switches from an evolutionary lens to an engineering one, it may be the mother of all eureka moments.
Does the Panda Argument Hurt the Case for Evolution?
Gould cannot have it both ways: either theology-laden arguments are legitimate within scientific discourse or not.