Tag: Turing Machine
Artificial General Intelligence: Machines vs. Organisms
It may seem that I’m picking too much on Ray Kurzweil. But he and I have been crossing paths for a long time.
Marks: Non-Computable You Won’t Achieve Immortality Through an AI Machine
Dreams of achieving immortality by having your consciousness uploaded, merging man and computer in the predicted 2045 “Singularity,” are just that — dreams.
Chromosome Dynamics Has Egg-centric Features
In the words of Robert Rosen we have to “drastically reconsider what is meant by “genetic information.’”
The State of the Art in Evolutionary Computation
As with early AI, the claims are inflated, unsupported, and the solutions do not scale to real world problems. Perhaps an EA “winter” is long overdue.
Crying “Chance, Chance” When There Is No Chance
Note the artfully deployed passive voice. One-way traffic “was finally counteracted by the launch of the first artificial satellites.” Who counteracted it?