Author: Richard Sternberg
From the “Junk DNA” Files: Can “Degraded” LINE Elements Still Be Functional?
On May 2, Casey Luskin had an online debate with Professor Daniel Stern Cardinale, an evolutionary biologist at Rutgers University.
Here’s a Far from Exhaustive (Yet Still Exhausting) List of Papers Discovering Function for “Junk” DNA
The list contains over 800 papers which are divided into categories according to the type of genetic element for which they focus on finding function.
DNA May Be “Junk” at One Level But of Utmost Significance at Another
It is during the latter stages of the production of an animal oocyte that many functionalities of what some disparage as “junk DNA” take center stage.
Chromosome Dynamics Has Egg-centric Features
In the words of Robert Rosen we have to “drastically reconsider what is meant by “genetic information.’”
The “Why” of the Fly “Y”: Reflections on “Junk” DNA
Let us give some thought to the Y chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster, that engaging fly which is the bond-servant of genetics.