Tag: Views
Disregarding Fake News from Darwin Promoters, South Dakota Scientist Applauds Academic Freedom Bill
This year, South Dakota has an opportunity to encourage more scientific inquiry in the classroom.
Authority Replaces Evidence: Hear the Introduction to Darwin’s House of Cards
Tom Bethell tells of how his own skepticism about the logic of natural selection emerged, and describes an interview with Karl Popper.
Eye Evolution: The Waiting Is the Hardest Part
Without calling it a series, I’ve written several articles recently that followed a logical path.
With Darwin Day Coming Tomorrow, Here’s Tom Bethell on Darwin’s Deception
Many pastors, priests, and rabbis, have been captivated by the idea that they can have their cake and eat it too.
In Mouse and Human Embryo Development, Critical Transition Points Beyond Neo-Darwinism
On ID the Future, CSC Senior Fellow Ann Gauger discusses a recent paper in the journal Cell.