Tag: Views
Ten Tips for Spotting Fake Science News on Evolution
Not any journalist who commits one or more of the following is guilty of spreading fake news, but these are things to watch for.
The Cell as a City: Examining an Apt Metaphor
On most days, city services are invisible to residents. We take them for granted through a lack of thoughtfulness — and gratitude.
Tom Bethell’s Rebuke to Fellow Journalists: A Skeptical Look at Evolution Is Not Beyond Your Powers
Darwin’s edifice rests on a 19th century faith in Progress, propped up by a dogmatic commitment to materialism.
Darwin’s Corrosive Idea: The Case of Stephen Matheson
A biologist, Dr. Matheson is a longtime critic of the theory of intelligent design, and now a former Christian.
Inside the Cell: DNA as a Library
Biologist Ann Gauger draws a thought-provoking analogy to a famed institution in our nation’s capital.