Tag: Washington State
Major Scandal: New York Times Reports CDC Withholding Massive Amounts of COVID-19 Data
To get the Washington State data, I’ve had to make repeated inquiries, and ultimately file a formal public documents request.
Barnyard Biology Is a Hit in Idaho
Country people obviously know something about biology, and to run a wheatland farm these days also requires executive skills.
Dallas Conference and COVID’s Silver Lining
Just because it says DALLAS Conference in the title, don’t think this great event is limited in any way by geography.
Now Another State Wants Non–Physician-Assisted Suicide
Hot on the heels of Washington State, it’s Hawaii. A bill has been filed to allow nurse practitioners to lethally prescribe.
Let Non-Doctors Participate in Assisted Suicide?
That process is unfolding in Washington State, where a new bill would let non-doctors be part of the assisted suicide bureaucratic process.