Jordan Peterson — Advice for University Students
I’ve been reading Doug Axe’s Twitter feed, which you should follow now. Author of Undeniable, Dr. Axe passes along this gift from intellectual firebrand Jordan Peterson, clinical psychologist at the University of Toronto. Peterson spoke at Harvard and in six minutes offered some advice to students that is of value beyond measure:
Nothing directly to do with evolution, but we have invested heavily in helping to prepare students to meet and shake the science world. Peterson’s incredibly passionate and persuasive views cut through a pile of politically correct BS and should be mandatory viewing for anyone on the way to college. In short, he says: Read great books, absorb great thought, and grasp the mandate, the power for good, in developing your unique human ability to speak, argue, and articulate.
But you must watch how he says it. And show it to your teenagers, now.
I said it’s nothing to do directly with the question of biological origins, but the unique gift of human beings to speak and advocate, which is our great power, is an argument in itself for our exceptional status in nature. So this is not so off-topic for us, in fact.