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Meyer: “God and Science, or No God and No Science”

Image source: Discovery Institute.

Back in 2021, Stephen Meyer was on the Into the Impossible podcast with UC San Diego cosmologist and “devout agnostic” Brian Keating. Since then, Professor Keating’s podcast has grown tenfold in subscribers on YouTube. Awesome! It couldn’t happen to a nicer guy. Keating recently reposted his interview with Meyer, and for those who missed it, it’s definitely worth another watch. A highlight from Dr. Meyer:

You can’t absolutely prove the existence of God, but the consequences of denying the existence of God, as a theoretical postulate at least, is a system of physics which ends up eating its own; which ends up destroying, for epistemological reasons, our ability to rely on our own reasoning capabilities about the world around us. So at the end, the choice is between God and science, or no God and no science.

The topic of the podcast was Meyer’s book Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. Watch and enjoy now: