Faith & Science
Physics, Earth & Space
Thinking God’s Thoughts: Kepler and Cosmic Comprehensibility
On a new episode of ID the Future, I kick off a three-episode discussion with Dr. Melissa Cain Travis about her recent book Thinking God’s Thoughts: Johannes Kepler and the Miracle of Cosmic Comprehensibility. A fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture, Dr. Travis serves as Affiliate Faculty at Colorado Christian University’s Lee Strobel Center for Evangelism and Applied Apologetics, where she teaches courses in the history and philosophy of science. In Part 1, learn why Kepler was instrumental in transforming classical astronomy into a true celestial physics. Like others before him, Kepler perceived a remarkable resonance between the rational order of the material world, mathematics, and the human mind. In response, he developed a three-part cosmic harmony of archetype, copy, and image to explain this unity. Travis explains his tripartite harmony for us.
But that’s not all. To give us a richer appreciation for Kepler’s work, Travis also traces the intellectual pedigree of Kepler’s ideas all the way back to the ancients, from pre-Socratic philosopher Pythagoras through the Early Christian era, the Middle Ages, and on through Kepler’s own university years. It’s a fascinating journey that shows how long humans have pondered the design of the universe and the uncanny connection between the natural world and the mathematics that lie at the heart of it.
Kepler’s revolutionary discoveries in natural philosophy and his unique insights into natural theology have inspired generations of scientists and philosophers. As we continue to discover new evidence of design in life and the universe, Travis argues that Kepler’s work is as relevant today as ever. Download the podcast or listen to it here.