Intelligent Design
Neuroscience & Mind
Happy Thanksgiving! Here Are Michael Denton’s Top 3 Reasons for Optimism About ID

Our gratitude can be for something from the past, the present, or the future. In a video with an Italian interviewer from the Fornace School of Philosophy (Scuola di Filosofia di Fornace), the wonderful biologist Michael Denton concludes with the top three reasons he’s bullish on the future of intelligent design. And remember, the author of The Miracle of Man has been an observer of the intellectual scene on the subject for more than forty years.
One reason, Dr. Denton says, is the “relentless” growth of the ID movement, in academia and around the world. This conversation is itself evidence on the latter point. (Fornace is in northern Italy.) A second reason is the way any materialist explanation of the origin of life keeps looking more and more implausible. James Tour’s Harvard roundtable discussion with top OOL researcher Lee Cronin was telling on that subject. And finally, says Denton, there is a mounting realization that the mind is irreducible to matter, upsetting the Darwinian presumption that everything must reducible to matter. See the Discovery Institute Press book Minding the Brain on that score. All three merit our gratitude. Watch, enjoy, and have a wonderful Thanksgiving!