Author: Emily Reeves
Let’s Do Assumption-Free Science! Some Concluding Thoughts on Gutsick Gibbon’s Challenge
What ID proponents are encouraging in the greater scientific community is honesty about the fact that both design and ancestry can create genetic similarity.
Yes, Winston Ewert’s Dependency Graph Is a Real Model
The fact that known natural biological processes can produce non-tree-like patterns is problematic not for ID proponents but for proponents of common ancestry.
Just How Well Does That Cherry-Picked Data Fit an Evolutionary Tree?
The tree-like pattern from the dataset was not very strong. Of course, if you shuffle it, it looks strong compared to randomness.
Why Their Separate Ancestry Model Is “Wildly Unrealistic”
On Monday, I will look at the consistency of the phylogenetically informative sites for the Baum et al. (2016) paper. Spoiler alert: It looks like design.
I Got Critiqued by YouTuber Gutsick Gibbon
Erika is pursuing her Master’s of Research in Primate Biology, Behavior and Conservation and is the creator of hundreds of punchy, entertaining YouTube videos.