Author: Günter Bechly
Fossil Friday: Cambrian Bryozoa Come and Go
This is a field that often has more in common with the interpretation of inkblots in Rorschach tests than with hard science.
Fossil Friday: Protists Add to the Cambrian Explosion
Not even the tiniest and most abundant organisms seem to confirm the gradualist predictions of Darwinian evolution.
Fossil Friday: How the Caterpillar Got Its Legs, or Not
In spite of all the scientific efforts by Darwinists, the origin of complete metamorphosis in holometabolan insects remains an unsolved mystery.
Fossil Friday: Triassic Kraken Hypothesis Provoked Scornful Darwinist Revenge
Instead of a reasonable and fair scientific debate, McMenamin’s hypothesis has been ridiculed by other scientists and science journalists.
Fossil Friday: New Study Confirms Discontinuities in the History of Plants
I have elaborated on the sudden appearance of flowering plants in the Lower Cretaceous, which was called an “abominable mystery” by Charles Darwin.