Author: John G. West
Critical Race Theory and Intelligent Design: The Mixed-Up Comparison of Sarah Jones
Sarah Jones essentially argues that worries about critical race theory have been ginned up by conservative provocateurs.
Michael Behe Needs Some Angelic Help
Become a movie producer and help bring the evidence of intelligent design to millions of people in the next year.
You’ll Never Guess What Just Collapsed
Neil Thomas, a professor and member of the British Rationalist Association, was a committed Darwinist and agnostic.
The Return of Casey Luskin
As I began writing this, I read one of the comments recently posted on our main YouTube channel: “I love Discovery Institute. You guys are changing the world!”
Martin Luther King’s Powerful Critique of Scientific Racism, Scientific Materialism
I have no idea what King would have thought of the modern theory of intelligent design, but many of the ideas he expressed are certainly friendly to ID.