Tag: Colorado
Elephant Personhood — Nixed Again
The activists had some reason for hope. Two judges in New York’s highest court swallowed the baloney in a 5–2 ruling.
Our View of Nature Matters; Here’s Why
I was standing amidst the ruins of the Berghof, Hitler’s retreat near the German-Austrian border, where some of the worst atrocities in history were planned.
Will Colorado Permit Elephants to Sue?
Many law schools teach courses in animal rights, training lawyers for the day the courtroom door opens to animals.
Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design Are FREE but the Application DEADLINE Approaches
In the shadow of 14,000-foot Pikes Peak, we’ll meet and learn from the top scientists and scholars in the ID community.
Glorious — My First Summer Seminar on ID
For unnumbered hours we basked in the shared light of the pursuit of truth through good science and sound philosophy.