Tag: Darwin’s Bluff
What Ever Happened to Darwin’s Big Book?
Why didn’t Darwin publish the evidence for his momentous theory? And why was his thesis hailed as one of the greatest ideas in science despite that fact?
Exposing the Heart of Neo-Darwinism
At complete rest, for your organs and tissues to work properly, your heart must pump out about five liters of blood per minute.
Phenology: The Science of Seasonal Adaptation
No, not phrenology — phenology. It’s not pseudoscience, but a lesser-known branch of science that includes birds, bees, and trees.
Newly Discovered War Machines in the Immune System
A newly discovered defense against pathogens involves armor and bullets that render an attacker immobile and self-destructing.
Does Darwinism Meet the Tests of a True Theory?
An example of a now-discarded theory is that of spontaneous generation, a hypothetical process of living organisms developing from nonliving matter.