Tag: evolutionary algorithms
Evolution Falsified? Rope Kojonen’s Achievement
If unguided evolution can account for the eye of an eagle, does it make any sense to say that intelligent design is also needed?
Physics and Chemistry Could Not Give Rise to Biology
The laws of nature provide stable conditions and physical boundaries within which biological outcomes are possible.
Robot Evolution? How the Trick Is Done
Some evolutionists still don’t get it. You can’t design something for a purpose and call it Darwinism.
Protein Folding Breakthrough: Evolution or Design?
DeepMind, the AI company that beat human Go gamers with AlphaGo, has made progress in solving the protein folding problem. But who deserves the credit?
Neuroevolution Methods Show Significant Success
The Darwinian algorithm works in theory, but does not work in practice, when applied in the domain of software production.