Tag: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
No Sweat: When Meyer Debated a Chemist and a Biologist Simultaneously
I had to laugh out loud at how Steve, in typical gentlemanly fashion, tied up these two critics of intelligent design in their own words.
Today: With a New Book, Stephen Meyer and Intelligent Design Go on Super-Offense
Take a look at what Brian Keating, a Chancellor’s Distinguished Professor of Physics at U.C. San Diego, has to say.
For Darwin and Lincoln’s Birthday, Pre-Order Return of the God Hypothesis
Today’s date in history, 211 years ago — February 12, 1809 — was a remarkable day.
Paul Ashby — “Meyer Skewers Materialism”
Another stellar endorsement for Stephen Meyer’s latest. Paul Ashby is a Harvard-trained physical chemist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
Paul Ashby on Thermodynamics, Information, and Life’s Molecular Machines
I particularly appreciate how his arguments complement my own analyses addressing the origin of life.