Tag: methodological naturalism
Your Witness, Mr. Johnson: A Retrospective Review of Darwin on Trial
In Darwinist argumentation, Phillip Johnson found a panoply of euphemism and wishful thinking masquerading as evidence.
Biology Textbooks and the “God-Talk” Problem
A muddle emerges from textbooks’ unprincipled use of theology.
What’s at Stake in the Debate over Darwinism?
We know that Darwinian evolution has a long and sordid history of entanglement with issues of race, racism, and eugenics.
Teaching About Intelligent Design at Hong Kong Baptist University
Ironically, our students may have more intellectual freedom in China to pursue the truth than they would have in many universities in the United States.
Watch: Stephen Meyer Expertly Punctures the Rule of Methodological Naturalism
The rule, as he explains, is arbitrary. True, the designing agent inferred by ID theory is not directly observable, but neither are the elementary particles.