Tag: Michael Behe
#8 of Our Top Stories of 2017: Theorist Concedes, Evolution “Avoids” Questions
To maintain at this point that “All Is Well” with evolution you have to be in a state of serious denial.
Watch: Holiday Message from Stephen Meyer
Dr. Meyer reviews here some highlights of the past year, thanking our supporters for their crucial contributions to advancing the scientific argument for intelligent design.
In This Season of Generosity, My Appeal to You
For those of you not familiar with the term, providence is the idea that things often seem to come together unlooked-for, as if by design.
Christmas Shopping? We’ve Got You Covered!
Christmas season is upon us, and there’s no need to procrastinate on the Christmas lists. Who are you shopping for this year?
For #GivingTuesday, Please Give a Push to Our Massive Critique of Theistic Evolution!
You will be contributing to a range of new efforts to bring the best science on biological and cosmic origins to the widest audience possible.