Tag: Science Education Policy
West Virginia Passes Bill Protecting Teacher Rights to Answer Student Questions on “Scientific Theories”
West Virginia joins Tennessee, Louisiana, Alabama, Indiana, and Mississippi to become the sixth state to adopt some form of an academic freedom policy.
Darwinist: ID Could Have Redeemed Itself by Leaping to Prejudged Conclusion on COVID-19
Weighing the validity of ID, not by distorting its conclusions or imputing false intentions to it, is what evolutionary biology has largely refused to do.
Censors Claim Teachers “Advocate Evolution” More Now Than in 2007 — Don’t Believe It
How likely are biology teachers with doubts about Darwinism to participate in a survey by an organization instrumental in attacking Darwin-doubting teachers?
Where’s the Rigor? A Report from the Seattle AAAS Meeting
Ultimately, Discovery Institute’s Science Education Policy is about sharpening students’ ability to interact critically with ideas in science.
Breakthrough? Nature Calls for Openness in Science Education
“Diversity and doubt produce creativity; we must make room for them,” according to Jerry Ravetz.