Tag: The Failures of Mathematical Anti-Evolutionism
In Critiquing Dembski, Jason Rosenhouse Prioritizes Imagination over Reality
Rosenhouse’s belief in the creative power of evolutionary processes is based not on hard data but on his faith in the philosophy of scientific materialism.
Rosenhouse Roundup
Jason Rosenhouse wrote an anti-ID book for Cambridge U. Press that our colleague, his fellow mathematician William Dembski, reviewed.
Invitation to Jason Rosenhouse: Respond to Dembski
Nothing is more clarifying than reasoned argument, as Professor Rosenhouse appears to agree in his book. Now let’s find out what he will say.
Darwinists’ Delusion: Closing Thoughts on Jason Rosenhouse
Does it really need to be pointed out that roads are designed? That where they go is designed? And that even badly laid out roads are laid out by design?
Conservation of Information — The Theorems
We’ve seen active information before in the Dawkins Weasel example. The baseline search for METHINKS IT IS LIKE A WEASEL stands no hope of success.