Tag: The Greatest Show on Earth
Fossil Friday: Discontinuities in the Fossil Record — A Problem for Neo-Darwinism
The fossil record generally documents a discontinuous history of life with sudden appearances of new body plans and new forms of life in saltational events.
New Long Story Video Tackles “A Battle of Predictions: Junk DNA”
Something happened in 2012 that changed the entire debate in favor of the ID-based prediction that DNA would be largely functional.
No. 2 Story of 2023: Intelligent Design Passes the Dawkins Test
After it passed his challenge, will atheist evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins now embrace the theory of intelligent design?
Alfred Russel Wallace’s Bicentennial Year: A Cause for Celebration and for Sadness
All the hyperbole shows the fix is in — Wallace has been made safe for scientism and Darwinian reductionism. The academy can breathe easy.
Fossil Friday: Protists Add to the Cambrian Explosion
Not even the tiniest and most abundant organisms seem to confirm the gradualist predictions of Darwinian evolution.