Tag: Washington DC
Denying Darwin: Berlinski and Meyer in Cambridge
These kinds of conversations between Steve Meyer and David Berlinski are usually confined to late night chats when the time zones in Seattle and Paris permit.
Watch: For July 4th, an Intelligent Design-Themed Tour of Washington, DC
The whole city is a memorial to the ideas that inspired the American Founding. One of those is intelligent design.
Visitor’s Guide: At Nation’s Natural History Museum, Misinformation on Human Origins, and More
Mammalian fossil exhibits at the Smithsonian claim that humans and all mammals descended from the “first mammal,” perhaps Morganucodon.
Oliver Anthony and Human Exceptionalism
If you’ve been online at all for the last few weeks, chances are you’ve come across headlines about the folk/country singer Oliver Anthony.
Information and Life’s Origin — A Retrospective View
Unguided natural processes, according to the generalized Second Law, cannot systematically increase the information content of a closed system over time.