Intelligent Design
The Human Body Handles Its Supply Chain Beautifully. Why Can’t Humans Do the Same?
We’ve lived for a couple of years now with the supply chain disaster, generated by COVID lockdowns and vaccine mandates. So we’re better equipped than ever to appreciate how the human body handles its own daunting supply chain issues — and does so, unlike some human beings we can think of, with breathtaking efficiency. Systems engineer Steve Laufmann offers that illuminating metaphor in a brief video, explaining the scale of the challenge facing large organisms like ourselves as compared with single-celled ones. The challenge can only have been solved by intelligent design:
The problem, as it may take an engineer or physician to fully recognize, is how to supply our cells with what they need if those cells have no direct access to the environment, and on the flip side, how to rid the cells of toxic waste generated in the process of living. Proponents of the “poor design” argument, such as evolutionist Nathan Lents, claim that the body is sloppily constructed. Professor Lents calls it a “panorama of glitches.” Oh, really, is that so? Laufmann and his co-author, Dr. Howard Glicksman, examine this and other ingenious designs that permit us to survive from day to day — and moment to moment — in their new book, Your Designed Body.