Tag: high school
How to Restore Science’s Lost Luster
More and more, the scientific establishment looks like a special interest group with biases of their own.
Here’s How to Use Precious Family Time, Wisely
Despite their sometimes-nonchalant attitudes as they try to act cool, children do care what their parents think.
Evolution and the “Experts” — A Liberating Message from Molecular Biologist Doug Axe
The controversy about Darwinian evolution is often framed as a matter of credentials. We must listen to the “experts”! Please precious experts, tell us what to think!
In Just Eight Minutes, New Video Punctures Evolution’s Circular “Homology” Argument
The video was developed in an ingenious way by its creator, writer, and animator. And who is that? I can’t share that information with you.
Dallas Conference Youth Track — Intelligent Design for Kids
The audience will learn, in a fun, humorous, interactive, and age-appropriate way, what intelligent design encompasses and what it doesn’t.