Tag: machines
The End of the Machine Metaphor?
Rather than purpose deriving from a purposeless process like natural selection, natural selection can only occur when life itself is the result of purpose.
Is Assembling Life Like Assembling LEGOs?
Unfortunately, Sara Walker provides no clue as to what process does all the “constraining,” “funneling,” and “scaffolding.”
Aeon: “The Cell Is Not a Factory” — It’s Far More Complex
Viewing the cell’s nucleus as keeping a “collaborative notebook” implies record-keeping to maintain order and to act toward a purpose.
ChatGPT Linked with Memory Loss, Poor Academic Performance
When students rely on AI to write their papers or organize all of their information, they forego the need to ingest and memorize the material themselves.
Denis Noble in Nature: “Time to Admit Genes Are Not the Blueprint For Life”
In his review, Noble comes right out and says that “Classic views of evolution should also be questioned.”