Category: Education
Leveraging the Design Inference for Effectively Falsifying Data
The academy raises generation after generation of inept data falsifiers who embrace the foolish naiveté that their shenanigans are immune to discovery.
The War on 2 + 2 = 4
The people weighing in against 2 + 2 = 4 are not mathematicians but in education departments where they teach the teaching of mathematics.
ChatGPT Linked with Memory Loss, Poor Academic Performance
When students rely on AI to write their papers or organize all of their information, they forego the need to ingest and memorize the material themselves.
Apply for the Cost-Free Summer Seminars on ID, but Do It Now! Deadline Is March 31
How can you get involved with ID research? For many scholars, the answer was to attend our Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design.
New Course on Science and Christianity Beginning Soon with Melissa Cain Travis
Special attention will be given to long-enduring myths and misconceptions that underpin the so-called “warfare thesis.”