Tag: enzymes
Nathan Lents Is Back; Still Wrong About Sinuses
The interaction with Lents is of interest because it provides an opportunity to look again, in some detail, at a fascinating illustration of design in action.
Omega-3 Nutrition Pioneer Tells How He Saw Irreducible Complexity in Cells 40 Years Ago
It wasn’t until Jorn Dyerberg encountered ID researchers like Michael Behe that he gave it that name.
Enzymes Are Essential for Life; Did They Evolve?
Darwinian evolution, even in its 21st-century form, fails the formidable task of explaining how the first enzyme arose.
Inside the Machine Room of the Nucleus
The nucleus is a beehive of activity, where information is not just stored but processed, protected, transcribed, and duplicated by highly complex machines.
Doctor’s Diary: Is Darwin Still Relevant?
There was a lot of mysticism and far too many guesses in 19th century. The time has come to modernize his views.