Tag: teachers
The War on 2 + 2 = 4
The people weighing in against 2 + 2 = 4 are not mathematicians but in education departments where they teach the teaching of mathematics.
Summer Seminars: Beyond the Evolutionary Firewall
The Center for Science and Culture is populating a community of dissenters in academia with the annual all-expenses-paid Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design.
Summer Seminar on ID Is a Glorious (and Cost-Free) Opportunity
The setting is idyllic — towers of red rock and ponderous pines, and numberless critters, from deer to bobcats to garter snakes (I caught a cute one).
Summer Seminars on Intelligent Design Are FREE but the Application DEADLINE Approaches
In the shadow of 14,000-foot Pikes Peak, we’ll meet and learn from the top scientists and scholars in the ID community.
New Online Homeschool Class Will Cover Chemistry — And Intelligent Design
I hasten to add that the course is being taught by my wife, Kristin Marais! The class will be a full two-semester course.