Category: Education
Navigating the Evolution Controversy on College Campuses
Casey Luskin and Nate Herbst discuss their experiences as students in science courses interacting with professors about evolution.
Five New Videos with Stephen Meyer on PragerU — Our Impact Is About to Explode
This is a major advance for intelligent design. Congratulations to Dr. Meyer, to PragerU, and thank you to our supporters for making all that we do possible.
A Plea to Parents: Don’t “Butt Out” of Your Kids’ Education
In many districts evolutionary theory is taught as unquestionable dogma, with none of the theory’s weaknesses presented.
Give Parents a Say in Education? Imagine That!
As with cancel culture, ID proponents and Darwin skeptics were well aware of this issue for years, long before it came to the forefront in the present moment.
Back to School with Biology Education
Geologist Casey Luskin offers tips for when diversity doesn’t extend into the biology classroom.